Sunday, December 9, 2007

Buffalo Wild Wings

This is a place I usually eat at every, or every other week. It's the best wing joint I've found that isn't 2.5 hours away.

This place has the second best wings I've had as of yet (2nd to QS&L of course). Wings are great! Very meaty, not over cooked, and while they have a slight vinegar taste, it's no where near being over powering.

As with any other place, I usually order the hottest wings they have, but have also tried their second hottest. Both sauces were good. The hottest wings are pretty warm. 5 of them is about all I can handle without needing a stomach pump. ;) Not the hottest I've had, but not to far off either.

Second hottest wings aren't nearly as warm. Anyone that likes hot wings should be able to handle these with no problem. A hair more vinegar taste than the hottest, but again, not over powering with it.

Unlike QS&L that has "other food" but also has GREAT wings, this place has good wings, and then "other food". Meaning wings is their primary type food. They've also got burgers, sandwhiches, and other similar food, but the wings is what everyone goes there for.

I've never eaten their "other food", but pretty much everyone I've gone with does. They all say the food is pretty good (but I don't think I've ever heard it called "Awesome!"). I have tried their deserts (I had a piece of cake with ice cream), and it was great!

The one thing I don't care for there is their fries. They don't have regular, plain jane, fries....or even regular thick cut fries. They've got "potatoe wedges" and "buffalo chips". The wedges are ok, but nothing spectacular. Add cheese if you want, but it doesn't really improve them. Then they have their buffalo chips. The name makes it sound like they're going to be super awesome tasty, but their not. Their just sliced up potatoes that are fried. For some reason, being shaped different than a fry, makes them taste different than a fry...or maybe it's that they're just to soggy for my liking. Whatever the case, this is pretty much my only real complaint....and a minor one at that.

The service at this place is hit and miss. One day, their on top of their game. The next, it takes 30 minutes to get a refill. Overall, I guess it's average, or just below. Good enough where I keep coming back, and don't get pissed at them...

Overall, I give this place a 8 out of 10. The service could be a little better, the sauce could be a little better, and the fries could be a little better. The thing that keeps me from scoring them a 7 out of 10 (instead of 8 as I did), is that they have up front motorcycle ONLY parking, with curbs that prevent cars from pulling in the spaces. I think the bike specific spaces are closer than the handicap spaces. :D

1 comment:

PGood said...

Pretty spot on review. I have been 3 times and service was slow every time. I dont like wings but the boneless chicken pieces and got were average.